小妹最近買了 [玉山最低比價網]?Brita?42618?亮面?水龍頭?濾芯/濾心?On?Tap?Replacement?Filters,?2-Pack,?Chrome?(2個) ,覺得很不錯









Brita 42618 On Tap Replacement Filters, 2-Pack, Chrome



Technical Details

  • Two-pack of the most effective Brita filter

  • Eliminates bad tastes and odors by reducing chlorine and hydrogen sulfide

  • Should be replaced every 100 gallons or every four months, whichever comes first

  • 新上市
  • Built-in findicator flashes red when you need new filter

  • May help avoid certain health risks and some parasitic illnesses

Product Description

From the Manufacturer


Great-Tasting Cleaner Water...Instantly獨家

Fits System Model FF-100.

Fits any Brita On-Tap System.? New filter snaps on in one easy step.

The Brita? On Tap Faucet Filter has been tested and certified in Model FF-100 by NSF International, the nation's leading testing authority for water filtration products, for:

ANSI/NSF Standard No. 53 - Health Effects - Reduction of:

  • Lead

  • asbestos

  • Alchlor

  • 2,4-D

  • Lindane

  • Styrene

  • Benzene

  • Simazine
  • 優惠網站>僅此一檔

  • Carbon tetrachloride

  • Cysts (Cryptosporidium and Giardia)

  • 優惠專區
  • Turbidity

  • Atrazine

  • Chlordane

  • Methoxychlor

  • Toxaphene

  • Endrin

  • Toluene

  • o-Dichlorobenzene

  • Carbofuran

  • Heptachlor epoxide

  • Trichloroethylene

  • Chlorobenzene

  • Ethylbenzene

  • Tetrachloroethylne

ANSI/NSF Standand No. 42 - Aesthetic Effects - Reduction of:

  • Chlorine

  • Taste and Odor

  • Particulate (Class I)

Keeps a healthy level of fluoride, a water additive that promotes strong teeth.+

+ Applies to fluoridated municipal tap water.

Filter replacement is essential for product to perform as represented.

Filter lasts for 100 gallons (378 liters)* or 4 months, whichever comes first.

*Filter life may vary depending on local water conditions.?

Product Description

The Brita On Tap faucet filter, the most effective BRITA filter, may help avoid certain health risks like cancer, certain parasitic illnesses such as cryptosporidiosis and giardiasis, as well as kidney and liver damage and anemia by reducing such impurities as cryptosporidium, giardia, lead, asbestos, and benzene that may be present in your tap water. It also reduces the following harmful herbicides and pesticides. The On Tap faucet filter also eliminates bad tastes and odors by redu chlorine (taste and odor) and hydrogen sulfide. Brita On Tap faucet filters should be replaced every 100 gallons or every four months, whichever comes first. If youre unsure how long its been, not to worry--the Brita On Tap faucet filter has a built in filter replacement indicator that flashes red when you need a new filter.


Product Details

Product Dimensions: 6.7 x 6.5 x 2.3 inches ; 1 pounds

?BRITA 濾芯保存期限為 4年, 本公司保證濾芯皆為最新到貨的新商品, 玉山最低比價網敬上

原廠建議? 每個濾芯使用濾水量為 150 升 (即150公斤的水)

Brita 濾水壺濾芯使用時間約40加崙= 152公升, 即如果你一天喝一壺水= 約2公升

那麼你的濾芯可以使用76天= 10.8? 周??? 以上資料 僅供參考? 玉山最低比價網敬上




[玉山最低比價網]?Brita?42618?亮面?水龍頭?濾芯/濾心?On?Tap?Replacement?Filters,?2-Pack,?Chrome?(2個) 討論,推薦,開箱,CP值,熱賣,團購,便宜,優惠,介紹,排行,精選,特價,周年慶,體驗,限時






為力拚VR產業龍頭,宏達電先後成立VR創投聯盟及VR產業基金等總規模超過4,300億元的相關發展資金,董事長王雪紅更喊出,宏達電要打造一個VR+AR的全球平台;目前在台灣、中國及美國啟動的VIVE X加速器計畫也有不錯成果。


她表示,今年4月推出的VR創業扶持專案「VIVE X加速器計畫」,除在北京、貴州、上海、深圳,及舊金山和台灣啟動,也持續推廣至全球。扶植的新創公司除獲得宏達電投資,也得到許多海外基金的支持。例如Vive無線升級套件的深圳TPCAST團隊,一推出即震撼全世界,也讓宏達電倍覺驕傲。

此外,宏達電並攜手37家國際創業投資公司,於8月底成立VR創投聯盟(VRVCA),預計將為全球VR生態鏈備足超過120億美金(約合新台幣逾3,840億元)的銀彈,加速全球VR產業的創業與創新。現再加上於深圳創設的百億人民幣VR產業基金,宏達電希望拉入陸資企業加入,擴大打造更多元化VR生態圈。宏達電Vive中國區總經理汪叢青表示,第一波透過VIVE X加速器扶植的33家新創公司即將於12月底「畢業」;至於第2回VRVCA大會也將於下個月在舊金山舉行,宏達電將透過不同管道來推進VR產業發展。

此外,HTC Vive昨日起也正式於南韓實體及線上電商通路開賣,預計到今年年底前,將有超過30個零售實體通路據點,可銷售及現場體驗Vive。宏達電亦已與釜山市政府簽署合作備忘錄,共同打造南韓的VR生態系。


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